[RPA] [UiPath] UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1.0 Practice Test - 문제 풀면서 정리하기(5)
by Jiji_지지2023. 12. 21.
11. A developer is debugging a workflow and theExecutoris pointing to the Log Messageactivity as shown in the following exhibit:
Currently, the value of "rowIndex" variable is "15". There are 285 more rows left in the data table.
Which button should be clicked in order to quickly execute theLog Messageactivity for the remaining rows and make theDebuggerimmediately finish theFor Each Row in Data Tableactivity?
Step Out
Step Into
Step Over
12. A process required by the Finance team was developed using the state machine architecture. One of those states needs to be able to transition to 4 other different states based on the business conditions.
In which of the following should the transition logic be introduced?
In the "Exit" action of the source state.
In the "Entry" action of the target state.
In the "Condition" section of the transition.
In the "Trigger" section of the transition.
13. Based on the UiPath best practices, when aBusiness Rule Exception occurs while processing an item from anOrchestrator queue, what is the transaction item status that should be set to that particularQueue Item?
In Progress
Business Exception
Topic: Build a REFramework project with Orchestrator queues.
14. A developer creates a newREFramework project inUiPath Studio and sets the value ofMaxConsecutiveSystemExceptions to "2" in the "Config.xlsx" file. How many transaction items can haveStatus = "Failed" andErrorType = "Application" before the process is ended?
15. When usingREFramework withoutOrchestrator access, what is the best practice to ensure that a transaction will be retried in case aSystem Exception occurs during its processing?
Use a Retry Scope activity within the Process Transaction state.
Use a Try Catch activity with a Retry Scope activity in the Catch block defined for System Exceptions.
Set the MaxRetryNumber in the Config.xlsx file to a number greater than 0.
Create a queue in Orchestrator with the "Max # of retries" greater than 0.
Topic: Describe the mechanisms of the REFramework template.
16. Where in theREFramework is the "Config.xlsx" file read?
In the Get Transaction Data state, GetTransactionData.xaml.
In the Initialization state, InitAllSettings.xaml.
In the Initialization state, InitAllApplications.xaml.
In the Process Transaction state, InitAllApplications.xaml.
17. What is the purpose of theCV Screen Scope activity in UiPath?
To establish a connection to the neural network server and enable the analysis of the UI of applications.
To capture screenshots of application UIs and save them for future reference.
To display real-time UI changes in target applications for debugging purposes.
To create a separate window for interacting with the target application during automation.
18. A developer is automating a process utilizing theDispatcher-Performer model. ThePerformer component is built using theREFramework. ThePerformer is responsible for processing data fromQueue Items that were uploaded to the queue by theDispatcher.
Which design type should be used for automating thePerformer?
Sequential Process
Iterative Process
Linear Process
Transactional Process
19. When building an automation for a booking company as part of a larger project initiative, a developer should follow the high-level steps:
1. Retrieve emails from the company-wide Bookings Microsoft Outlook Inbox account. 2. Extract the booking data from the current email. 3. Add individual reservation data to the Orchestrator queue. 4. Log in to the company's desktop application. 5. For each Queue Item:
a. Navigate to the Bookings section from the Requests section.
b. Add the reservation data to the Bookings section.
c. Close the current booking.
6. Log out and close the company's application.
The developer decides to use theDispatcher/Performermodel for the automation. Which steps will be included in thePerformerprocess?
1 - 4
5 - 6
1 - 3
4 - 6
20. Beyond the secure stores with built-in support, Orchestratorarchitecture supports the functionality of loading third-party or developing custom plugins, enabling you to use any desired credential store.
Instructions: Order the steps for loading a custom or third-party credential store intoOrchestrator.
3 -> 2
Save the .dll files of your plugin in this folder.
2 -> 3
Update the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file with this plugin.
Navigate to the \Orchestrator\Plugins folder in your Orchestrator installation directory.
Restart your Orchestrator instance and check the logs to confirm that the plugin was loaded successfully.