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[RPA] [UiPath] UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1.0 Practice Test - 문제 풀면서 정리하기(3)

by Jiji_지지 2023. 12. 19.

21. What is one of the key benefits of using Monitoring in UiPath Orchestrator for an organization?

Improving decision-making and optimizing resource usage based on data insights.
Eliminating the need for external monitoring tools and applications.
Reducing the need for human intervention in monitoring activities.
Automating the process of scheduling and deploying Robots.


22. A developer needs to design a process using the REFramework, but without using Orchestrator queues. Which of the following data types is best-suited for the TransactionItem in this case?


23. Which method can be used to perform LINQ operations on DataTables and Lists in VB.NET?

Using the Excel Application Scope activity to perform LINQ operations.
Using the Assign activity to apply LINQ operations directly.
Using the Write Cell activity to execute LINQ operations in Excel.
Using the Invoke LINQ Functions activity to apply LINQ operations directly.


Topic: Use LinkQ for Lists and DataTables.


24. Where in the REFramework is the "Config.xlsx" file read?

In the Process Transaction state, InitAllApplications.xaml.
In the Initialization state, InitAllSettings.xaml.
In the Get Transaction Data state, GetTransactionData.xaml.
In the Initialization state, InitAllApplications.xaml.


25. Which is a valid connection type for performing remote debugging?
Unattended Robot
Remote Robot
Attended Robot


Topic: Perform remote Debugging when building automation projects.
26. What is a major benefit of a REFramework Performer process with Orchestrator queues?
Retrieve data from various sources and directly adds them to the queue.
Several robots simultaneously execute the same process from a single queue.
Prepare the data in a unitary format in queues.
The same robot processes all Queue Items concurrently.


Topic: Build a REFramework project with Orchestrator queues.



27. How do you properly configure UiPath Remote Runtime for use with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?

Install the Remote Runtime component only on the client machine
Install the Remote Runtime component on the Citrix Application server and configure a direct connection to the UiPath Studio
Install the Remote Runtime component on Citrix Application servers and the corresponding UiPath extension on the client machine
Install the Remote Runtime component on both the Citrix Application servers and the client machine



28. A developer designed two automation projects to work with an Orchestrator queue. One is a Dispatcher and the other is a Performer. Which activity is required to be used in the Performer project?

Add Queue Item
Add Transaction Item
Delete Queue Items
Get Transaction Item
Wait Queue Item


29. In UiPath Orchestrator, considering the allocation of runtimes to machine objects and their impact on concurrent execution capacity, which of the following choices describes the maximum number of automation that can simultaneously run on an associated host machine that has been assigned 3 runtimes?



30. Based on the UiPath best practices, when a Business Rule Exception occurs while processing an item from an Orchestrator queue, what is the transaction item status that should be set to that particular Queue Item?

In Progress
Business Exception

