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[RPA] [UiPath] UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1.0 Practice Test - 문제 풀면서 정리하기(4)

by Jiji_지지 2023. 12. 21.


1. A long-running job was suspended waiting for an external task.

Once the task is completed, which robot is selected by Orchestrator to continue the job's execution?


Any available Unattended robot.
Any Unattended robot in "Resume" state.
The same robot that executed the job until suspension.
Any available Attended robot.


Topic: Use Tenant Entities (Webhooks, Alerts) and Folder Entities (Triggers, Credential Stores).


2. What is one of the key benefits of using Monitoring in UiPath Orchestrator for an organization?

Reducing the need for human intervention in monitoring activities.
Automating the process of scheduling and deploying Robots.
Improving decision-making and optimizing resource usage based on data insights.
Eliminating the need for external monitoring tools and applications.


Topic: Use Orchestrator monitoring features.


3. A developer found a bug in one of the transitions shown below (both conditions are the same):


What transition/transitions will be executed in this situation?

No condition, the state will remain in a hanging state.
Successful and System Exception. (추측)
System Exception.


Topic: Build projects using State Machines.



4. A developer is tasked with automating a system that reads data from invoices and inputs the extracted data into a different system.

Given that, each invoice can be processed independently, without any specific sequence needed, what type of automation project would be best suited for this scenario?


Transactional Process
Iterative Process
Linear Process
5. In UiPath Orchestrator Monitoring, which feature allows you to centrally analyze the performance and efficiency of your automation processes across multiple components, such as Robots, Machines, Queues, and Jobs?
Insights Dashboard
Execution Logs
Version Control
Asset Management


Topic: Use Orchestrator monitoring features.


6. A developer has designed a project featuring a flowchart. The developer then obtained a business modification request as stated below:

1. If the Customer Name includes special characters, the robot must eliminate them before proceeding with the process.
2. If the Customer Name contains only letters, maintain the current logic without making any changes.

To incorporate the new requirement according to UiPath best practices, which activity should the developer utilize in the flowchart?

Flow Decision
Else If
Flow Switch



7. How can the Invoke Code activity be used to execute vb.net code with an input argument and an output argument in a UiPath project?

Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, use the Edit Code button to define input and output arguments, and add the vb.net code using an Assign activity.
Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, add an Assign activity to define input and output arguments, and use the Edit Code button to edit the vb.net code.
Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, add the vb.net code in the Arguments property of the activity, and use the Edit Arguments button to define input and output arguments.
Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, add the vb.net code using the Edit Code button, and use the Edit Arguments button to define input and output arguments.



8. What is a major benefit of a REFramework Dispatcher process using Orchestrator queues?

Guarantees that all data follows a consistent format and fetches information from an Orchestrator queue.
Improved error handling when extracting data from multiple sources and directly adding it to queues.
The same robot that will process a Queue Item is responsible for adding each Queue Item to the queue.
Enhanced ease of use, as the REFramework automatically generates the queue.
9. Which of the following examples correctly demonstrates the appropriate usage of Remote Runtime for automating virtual environments in a UiPath project?
Employing Remote Runtime to run and debug a UiPath project on a local machine while simultaneously monitoring its execution on a remote virtual machine. (추측)
Using Remote Runtime to seamlessly interact with UI elements on a virtual machine, where traditional selectors may not be reliable.
Utilizing Remote Runtime to execute a UiPath script on a virtual machine while running the main UiPath Studio application on a local machine.
Applying Remote Runtime to encrypt and protect sensitive data being transferred between a local machine and a remote virtual environment.



Section: Automate virtual environments using Remote Runtime.

10. What is the purpose of UiPath Orchestrator webhooks?

To subscribe to Orchestrator events and send them to external systems.
To manage the storing and handling of sensitive information such as credentials.
To schedule and manage the execution of business processes.
To monitor and manage available robots and their job statuses.
